A fictional birdwatching podcast. Episode 1.

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Created and sound designed by Julia Schifini.

Inspired by Kristen DiMercurio.

This episode's birdwatcher is Josh Rubino (he/him).

Our theme is "Yellow-rumped Warbler" by Chad Crouch.


[Theme Music Plays]

Julia: Who Watches the Birdwatchers? A fictional birdwatching podcast.

[Theme music fades out. Birds in a forest chirp.]

Josh: Oh, what excellent plumage. A red-throated warbler. Oh my. Oh, how rare. They’re still here this season? Are we lucky enough to see an entire flock?

[Bird noises continue. Josh shifts in the underbrush.]

Josh: Oh there’s…definitely something on my shoe here.

[Josh wipes off his shoe. A fly buzzes by. A bird takes off.]

Josh: Oh, careful, careful. We don’t want to scare them. What a lovely day. Marvelous day. Oh, such fine weather.

[Bird noises continue.]

Josh: Oh! I’ve never seen one of those before. You can tell the difference between the males and the females by the plumage.

[Bird noises continue.]

Josh: Oh my, Prudence Fairweather down at the Audubon Society is going to shit a cat when she finds out that I’ve seen one of these…

[Bird noises continue.]

Josh: Oh shit! An eagle!

[A hawk flaps its wings and lets out a loud screech. Harsh cut directly into the theme music.]

Julia: That was “Who Watches the Birdwatchers?”, a fictional birdwatching podcast. Our birdwatcher this episode was Josh Rubino. Our theme song is “Yellow-rumped Warbler” by Chad Crouch. Edited and sound designed by Julia Schifini. Inspired by Kristen DiMercurio.

[Theme music fades out.]